I've been meaning to update my own website, but three years have passed—to the day, in fact. And here we are.

Three years feel like a decade now, especially with all that's happened. Highlights are:

And then things went haywire from there.

In those three years, I've also been writing my next book "Rule of Seven" on and off. It's been a secret project of sorts, and now an open secret. I'm not complaining, but sometimes you really just need an accountability partner(s). (Thank you, Six and Chris.)

Things have slowed down since my burn out and acquiring CTS, and that was by choice. And yes, we're going back to basics: keeping it simple and doing the things I now I can. There's still a lot on my to-do list, but it's more manageable now.

There are a bunch of new things to look forward to, though! One of which is the #RomanceClass project: Hello, Ever After. More on that soon. For now... this :)

The new site is a reflection of that: going back to basics. But I'll still be adding stuff on here as soon as my time allows it (I am still missing my books section, and such) but the basics are here.

I'll just have to stick to it. The basics.


Miles Tan likes inhabiting imaginary worlds, from fantasy books to sci-fi shows to cheeky mysteries to role-playing games. She works with websites, plays with graphics, and is now currently painting with words.

Adaptation Rights

Adaptation rights represented by Mina V. Esguerra (RomanceClass Books) and Anna Liza Recto-Ruth (Bold MP). Send inquiries to mina@romanceclassbooks.com or annaliza@boldmp.com.