Romance Class logo

I originally designed this logo last year on a lark. I was just playing with ideas, thinking of what it’s been like being in a writing and reading community all about romance. I asked the group what they thought on some sketches. And after a poll, here it is: a nice little icon to identify us. What this is to us.

The community has opened doors for me, especially for times when I needed it.

If I am asked what #romanceclass means to me, there aren’t enough words to fully express it. But some of the time ‘my happy place’ is enough.

Thank you, everyone. I am always grateful and proud to be part of this community.


Miles Tan likes inhabiting imaginary worlds, from fantasy books to sci-fi shows to cheeky mysteries to role-playing games. She works with websites, plays with graphics, and is now currently painting with words.

Adaptation Rights

Adaptation rights represented by Mina V. Esguerra (RomanceClass Books) and Anna Liza Recto-Ruth (Bold MP). Send inquiries to or