I tend to space out all my projects, that way I don't get burned out doing them back to back. But somehow, they still come together at the right time.
Back in April, all of those projects announce themselves one after the other. And it just so happens, they're all in yellow. Serendipitous, really. Not planned at all.
Okay, maybe sort of planned. Because I was avoiding the cool darks in the palette for a while. And it just turned out to be all yellows at the moment.
I call this my Citrine Period. ;)

It also so happened that they have different styles and treatments. So I'm particularly proud of this set.
Vlog Like You Love Me
This was the first book of this batch that I finished last year. I was looking for a treatment for this #RomanceClassCovers photo with nothing else to go on. And since this was about a young vlogger, the idea of seeing the whole thing through a viewfinder or a camera screen tickled me. And so I went with that. I chose yellow to contrast with the warmth because I wanted to reflect the vibrancy of young love. Sigh.
Field Guide: Love and Other Natural Disasters
This was easy enough in terms of execution, since we're just taking off from the first book's design. This was made to be versatile and look like a manual, and we can add ~things, in case the opportunity comes up. It was the shade of yellow that took us awhile. But when we got it, we got it.
Keeping Miss Kalila
Sometimes you just have to tackle challenges head on. Doing the cover for Tara's second book, Like Nobody's Watching, with portraiture! Having the character's likeness match the reference. And then there's now two on the cover! Thank goodness I only had to match one. Tara, if you're reading this, I hope we don't go any further than two hahaha. Challenging it may be, it was still a lot of fun! My favorite part of this piece actually is the thing you won't look at too long: Datu's jeans. My next favorite was working on the wall treatment. It was actually Tara who wanted the wall yellow.
Making a Scene
Doing the branding and the covers for Flair is also all kinds of fun. Looking at beautiful people and hopefully convey that this is still all romance. And steamy, too. I went with gold/saffron on this one to convey the glitz and glamour of the story (Coming to a Kindle near you, soon!)
It's always fun creating covers for other authors. I feel like I'm producing creative work through other people's books. It maybe just a whole coincidence that these are all in the yellow side of things. But during these times, isn't just a bit of brightness what we all need?